Solution for Detailer to solve and prevent the swirl mark problem

This article is about to explain HOW to prevent SWIRL MARK completely.

What is swirl mark?
In fact that swirl happen only when we used any strong lamp/bulb to observe and detect the car surface. Or the swirl can be easily detected if to trace it under the nature sunlight. Due to the tiny scratches and light swirl marks was reflected under any light source hence it may turn out like a surrounding appearance which earned the naming of “swirl mark”. By the way it is not actually a rounded mark but just how is the way we view it.

There are times whereby we heard that swirl marks reoccur again and again. And I did being informed by my customer that they were being told by some experience detailers that swirl marks are not able to be resolved.
How truth is this everyone wonder?

We also can see much of the detailers achieved the screen reflection level of find cut in polishing, but none of those detailer re-upload another clip to tell us will the swirl marks come back again? Or put it another way, how many detailer can 100% ensure their skill and method did prevent the re occurrence of swirl mark? Did anyone ever think of this?

Or let’s put in this way, when you search an article on web, how truth is the article tells you about the way to prevent swirl mark?

Is that too big for us to mention here the “How to prevent swirl mark completely?” or think it in another point of view, is this really matter to the car owner? The hair line swirl mark.

But we believe our skillset/technique here in Kalex Car Detailing can prevent this almost completely to a no swirl mark surface depends on how much effort you can put in.

1  Solution 1:  The human made wool buffing pad which we deny the use of animal wool for compounding work. We stay reject animal cruelty for compounding work at the same time we prevent swirl mark. More about this product, Click Here.

1  Solution 2:   The Turtle China Platinum Shield Panel Preparation Solution. We believe we offer the most cost effective product for oil remover/surface preparation product in the market. Whereby we offer consumer get a more content with smaller amount cost spent. One of the most important of re occurrence of swirl mark is because of the oil base compound that user is using. The product may range from Merguairs,3M,Soff99 or even Turtlewax compound. This are all what we can easily get through the retail shelf in the market. And how the oil base compound can cause to the swirl is not because of the oil make it reappears again, but hide it from the appearance which can reflected again once the vehicle being washed after. Oil base can deliver a wow effect and glossy look right after polished/compound leave the assumption that swirl mark being removed but actually it wasn’t. 
      Turtle China had made a great effort here to solve this where other brand not able to do so. With the Turtle China Platinum Shield Panel Preparation Solution user can easily wipe off the oil base compound/polishing content to trace any remaining left over hairline swirl.
More about this product, Click Here.

Solution 3:   The TAC System Korea professional Rust zero/Iron X cleaner in the biggest bottle for detailer at the same time offer the most cost effective usage for detailer as well as end user. How Rust zero can help in removing swirl mark is there are times whereby iron dirt being hit into car clear coat and engraved the iron dirt inside the coat which are very difficult to be removed by the normal claying method. 
      Regardless you are using the Merguairs premium clay set; user will have no clue to remove much of them. And the iron might be turned out when user started to do the compounding/polishing work in a high speed. 
     The tiny iron dirt might not able to be traced easily from our normal eyesight furthermore the dark color car. When the iron dirt not being removed then it will be transformed into user buffing sponge pad and when this apply on to the surface of car everything turn into swirl. That is the reason why people use to say buffing machines may cause round swirl but they have no idea where it comes from the pad?
      Anyway the good news is user can easily detect the remaining Iron dirt by TAC System Korea Rust zero iron remover.More about this product, Click Here.


  Solution 4:     The TAC System Korea 3 in 1 pack small bottles total solution for compounding and polishing. Anyone can achieve the ultimate super fine finishing with this 3 in 1 pack which covers from 600 sand grit until the highest grit of 12000 whereby this is even not able to be performed by much western big brand detailing product. 
      We use to mention the sand grit here but this is not being practiced by the western big brand of detailing. We urge the big brand to disclose how far of the sand grit result their product can achieved. 
      Regardless of Turtlewax/Merguairs or 3M, this is because most of the detailer willing to resolve the hairline swirl. 
      At the same time this 3 in 1 pack is water base product which will not hide the swirl like oil base compound. Hence user can directly detect the existence of swirl once the last step of fine cut was being done. More about this product, Click Here.

 Solution 5:   Our buffing technique, coating technique skillset innovated in Turtlepro detailing is another keypoint of preventive measure of the swirl mark. We will not disclose much information here, like our page in FACEBOOK HERE and stay tune for more info!

 if you can understand what been explained here in order to prevent swirl mark as detailer, I give you a "Like"! 

If you feel this article help you to understand more about swirl mark please do share this out to the public. 
Thank you very much.

If you want to pick any solution here for you to solve this detailing problem: CLICK HERE.
